Thursday, 10 March 2016

'Stole away my heart complete'

‘Stole away my heart complete’-John Clare

‘Come live with me and be my love’-Christopher Marlowe

‘With something of an angel-light’-William Wordsworth

‘A gem of purest ray’-Thomas Gray

Curve and charm

I am sat at a piano
Looking up at a rainbow
Laughing at a chat show
Being lead to the dance floor

Hearts and singing larks
I have woken up to Valentines
I imagine a strawberry rose
Put it to my nose
Breakfast in bed
The petals are luscious and red
Fairy lights on the wall
Filling up my heart and soul

He gives me choc’ s and he
Can always find my spot

My heart is a floating balloon
Rainbow flowers fill the room

The tide and its tears

For thousands of years
I have loved the tide
And its tears
I have loved the stars
By which the boat steers
I have loved the sunset
And when the sky clears

Children’s book title idea

‘She was a beauty pearl’

Peace and sweetness
Eating a piece of fruit

Panning for gold
The light was radiant

I will hold you hand to the swimming baths
I will be your partner and make you laugh

Goodness and happiness looking at the stars

Children book title idea

‘All the way to the sea’

Positive writing
Keeps me fighting

Blown to the sky
Can you tell me why?

The song secret
What is the ‘song’ secret?

I look at a map
You are a distant balloon
I am in search of you

‘I want a poem that is like an electric light’-Tom Wayman

Haven’t had a ‘moment’ for so long
Haven’t had a ‘someone’ to share a song

‘The earth,red and fire’-Dale Zieroth

‘Together in the snow’-Dale Zieroth

‘Halleluliahs are going up like kites’-Paulette Jiles

‘The calling lights’-Carl Sandburg

Children’s book title idea

‘Unicorns are out there’

In the ‘bacon club’

Children’s book title idea

‘The meadow where we ran’

Watching the fire dance on the dance floor

Children’s book title idea

‘Let in the stars’

‘This is the rhythm I live’-Brendan Kennelly

‘I look to the skies
A thousand eyes’-Edwin Curran

‘So eternal a city’

‘Beautiful Manhattan’-Edwin Curran

‘The petals fall,the petals fall from flowers,
Do the petals fall from people too?-Brendan Kennelly

‘My ribs are crushed in
My heart is all blood’-Thomas Kinsella

Children’s book title idea

‘To the well for water’

A blazed sun dewy dreaming
Spring summer love


Children’s book title idea

‘Under the blossom tree’

‘To see a leaping squirrel in a tree,
Or a red ladybird upon a stalk,
Or little rabbits in a field at evening’-Padraic Pearse

‘The merry love to dance’-W.B.Yeats

Path to your heart
Kisses warm

Island breath

‘She smells of Love-Is-True perfume’-Alice Walker

‘Surely the earth can be saved by all
The people who insist on love’-Alice Walker

‘When ever I do not create
I feel like a beast’-Alice Walker

Children’s book title ideas

‘Banana Sultana’

‘A pool of purple I found a turtle’

‘Dreamcake let’s stay awake!’

‘She was a beauty pearl’

‘All the way to the sea’

‘Let in the stars’

‘Unicorns are out there’

‘The meadow where we ran’

‘Under the blossom tree’

‘To the well of water’

‘Hiding in the hay’

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