Thursday, 10 March 2016

Personifys Love

Personify’s Love

My mum personify’s love
Every meal she makes is perfect grub
Every pot she wash’s in fairy liquid suds
Every time she cleans and hovers the house
It looks sooo good!

I really should help me mum
Tidy my room and hover the crumbs
I really should give her flowers
For sitting with me and making towers
For every home made birthday cake
For being my best mate

I truly thank you mum
When I am sick you make me feel better like magic
When I am cold and tired, you turn on the fire

You personify love
Like the water and sunshine above

The mix of New Yorkers
Running down the escalators

Computers and dreams
Modal streams

Up the charm
At the window sunset

‘I’m riding up a mountain
On my horse called Fountain’-Nia Perks


Function on till that let’s you save a sale
Eg: Customer puts items on desk and you till in
However,they are not finished and you have another customer
You need to ‘park a sale’

Are pen friends in the past?
Writing love letters stamped with wax?
Are we reading kindles instead of books?
Are we more concerned about our looks?
Photographs and selfies on face book?
Why have a conversation in the pub
When you can text,email or live
Message your best bud?

Don’t worry,I have relatives in Australia,
I love seeing their photographs and stories but,
You can get bullied on the web,stalked on the web,
Lead on by pseudo,gangs  or evil cults

We trust the internet with our bank details,personal details
Music,writing,art,fashion blogs.Businesses are growing
And we have friends all over the world
We can actually dream like we did as boys and girls
I think ‘the written word’ and ‘the machine’ can co exist,
But please don’t take our libraries

Knowledge is beautiful
Where ever we find it

Drinking and drowning tomorrow

I really think I could be put in
One of those isolated rooms
I eat and I eat but there’s no taste in food
I try to remember something, anything I should
I feel like I’m holding on to a piece of wood

Please God ,my whole body hurts
My whole body throbs,
Did my heart stop?

Day to day I can’t remember,no details,no flickers
Just blank paper

I need ‘me’ back
I need the binging to stop
I need to dazzle in those interviews
And get a fucking job

I pray for strength,
Please make me strong
I pray for truth and love and songs

The smell of books
The excitement

Like music,not a metronome

The Lake Scene

Flight paths like rainbows reflecting

Courage to lose weight

Weight feels like a tragedy

A date with losing weight

Saved baby teeth in a little bag

Candy coloured sky

The flirting game
In the picture

Idea Joke

Children beeping everything with handheld at Tesco!

Idea Joke

Children actually in control of a car trolley!

Double true?

Still alone
Dreaming of affection
My clothes are still unworn
Gadgets still unused
My mind is still blank

Sitting at the piano
Whisper to me keys

‘Christ was more pure than air’-Louise Erdrich

‘When the healing starts’-Louise Erdrich

App Idea

Scan shopping lists into handhelds at Tesco

Minds and eyes
A child’s surprise

‘Vibrant’ Velvets chocolates


Going to supermarket and there’s no chocolate in the chocolate isle!

Lost forever

Everyone appears to have it all together
I’m wondering will I be lost forever?

A peacock display

Why do I want to sing?
A wish in my heart

Fishes in rush hour traffic!

Dewdrop image of a modal

Who wants to bloom?


‘I blooms’

‘I rooms’


A New Year untouched
Then a game of ice and slush

‘We stand once more on the threshold of a shining and unblemished year,
Untouched yet by time and frustration,unclouded by failure and fear’-Helen Steiner Rice

Divine assistance
Please lift our eyes above

‘Happiness you give away returns to ‘shine on you’-Helen Steiner Rice

Sight touch sound
He turned her around

Love dissolves all hate and fear

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