Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Coming up to 45

Coming up to 45

You know what?I really dont mind

As long as I have my love and my rhyme

As long as Im kind

Its a hard climb

I love different materials

The language of silk on a bed

The language of silk on a bridle dress

I also love velvet

It feels so soft and electric

'Blessings and blisses and praises'-P K Page

'O the Opal and the sapphire'-Thomas Hardy

Shy in a soft way

Lets walk along the bay

London Leyland made

I don't wanna fade

I already missed so many waves

Hope ,opening an envelope

Loving and silly



'Loves affirming flame'-Anon

Im on the next plane!

Beautiful physique

You make me feel complete

Lets kiss on the back seat

I blush when you speak

The healing fountain starts

The healing of our hearts

Looking at your art

Ignoring all my marks

Your electric one

Pleasant magic

A new gadget

Like a fire inside

Someone has to light it

I love it

When purple mornings start

Sipping a hot chocolate

Multi coloured drops

Fruit for your songs

So sweet,I belong

Im just imagining what you could do with your tongue!


I'm looking out the window

Fired,inspired a sunset glow

Pinks,purples,what a show!


I thank you

You let me know

You are loving,watching,when Im low

Just saying hello

Northern lights

Make me feel mellow


A gift of chocolate,Christmas card

Or a simple drink at the bar

Someone wishing you a Happy Christmas

Getting together with brothers and sisters!

I sit beside the fire and think

How lucky I am to have food and drink

How lucky I am to have somewhere to stay

Being inside under the milkyway

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