Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Sudden storm

Like a sudden storm

The room wasn't warm

Everyone had frozen

I felt so alone,no road to walk on

Everyday I wanted my pillow,

Feeling feeling so low

Wasn't ready for my solo

Just wanted someone to follow

Glow time

Getting ready for a party

Making my make up sparkly

Eyes looking starry

I think they have forgotten me

New horizons are life's diamonds

Angel of Valentine

Will you come round mine

The perfect ring design

Eyes looking

Ears listening,kind

Berries in the garden

Spot lights when it darkens

A little purple bird

The best song you ever heard

Happy writing these words

The Friday night routine

I wish I was still a teen

Saving my dinner money

For a bottle of scrumpy

Going into town underage

Spending the night in a gaze

The pencils pull

The purity of wood

The trees in the woods

The beautiful buds

Holding hands and giving hugs

Collecting red lady bugs

Glittering heaven

I look above for my love

Looking in the shop window

The promise of a dress

My lucky bubble

A kiss on the cheek,a cuddle

I feel so grateful and humble

Life isnt the same struggle

Please dont put me in a dungeon

Its been raining 

There's stars on the grass

The sun heals us

Seals the day,romantically

Leaves us warm inside

We dont want to hide

I like the birdsong months

Marshmallow flumps

Walking along Blackpool front

Going on a treasure hunt

Desire for poems

Enjoyng the moment

When every verse makes me burst

And I dont find the need to search


Are you with the Angels?

Are you sat at the piano,singing?

Have you stopped fearing?

From sun up to sun down

Ill give you my hand

We will dance around

Listen to my heart pound

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