Wednesday, 5 March 2025



Daffodils in the air floating

Lighter nights doting

'Every atom within our bodies

was created long ago in a star,its true'-Donna Ashworth

Delighting in the ordinary

A basic bacon butty

A nice cup of coffee

Finding someone funny!

Dont you understand?

A great teacher is a watering can

They help you grow with  water and light

Encourage you whether your wrong or right

Reward your effects and insight

Change your life

You are what my heart needed

I pleaded to God

To lift the mist and the fog

My torch bearer

By chance 

I have these hands and the love is still there

By chance

My whole heart understands

By chance

I just watch and stare

By chance

We dream of a dance

Rising like stars,no compare

By chance

We travel sparkly hands

Just like birds

A Bizarre event

Hearing voices,I couldnt pretend

I really needed a friend

I really wanted to play

Go to the park for the day

Go to the beach for a wave

But it rained

I wish I was on three swings


Licking ice cream

Valentine dream

'Romantic,bold and sweet'-Anon

To come out of this fear

To hear a melody clear

To feel like God is near

This is the year

Forever safe

My spirit fed

Listening to the words he said

Watching him sleep in my bed

Stroking his head

My shield my song

You make me fee young

A sense that I belong

I went for a  walk

Touching the trees

I came along

A healing stream

Crossed the pebbles to the other side

Birds above in the sky

Faith and poetry

The breeze in the trees

Watching blue seas

Butterflies resting on the leaves

Teenage years

I miss the touch of the waist

Looking at your face

Your smile and your ways,it stays

Just here

The violet dream

Watching them all on screen

Trying to survive being a teen

Find a team

Crocketts theme

The family tree

Pass that branch to me

Where did I come from?

Looking at ancestry

Digging deep,discovery


Spring that gives birth to birdsong

Spring that gives light to the garden pond

I love the blossom tree

I love the butterflies fluttering around me

And then theres daffodils

Rabbits running up the hill

Watching the little windmills

The colour of the roses

Fills my heart,where my soul is

Sitting on the grass to have a 

picnic on the park,take a walk

Go on the swings,sun shining

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