I ask a psychic
Is sweetness in sight?
I'm alone every night
Who is my Mr Right?
Using silk scarfs and melted wax
Wanna stay in my orchard?
Will you keep me watered?
Wanna be awarded?
Our dreams give us wings
Promise me,I will sing
The rain keeps pouring
Ordering cosmos?
I'm looking up at the sky
I wanna be happy and glide
Move with the tide
The sparkle in you
A yarnful of you
The star in you
I want sleep quality
Stop haunting me
Basket filled with sunshine
Filled with flowers
Be my Valentine
The perfect night entwined
Dew of the sea
Lets hold hands,fall completely
A sunset,clouds streaking
Its not what you put on
Its what you put out
Leather jacket
Japanese top
Is it a waste of time?
Watching television
Could I be doing something different?
Watching television
Am I losing vision?
A Carey Christmas
A Merry Christmas
I still have lots of chocolate left
I have to try my best
Writing music
The Treble Clef
Your precious smile
The greatest time
My heart,my mind
Those beautiful stars
To be with you for hours and hours
A bunch of flowers
My heart desires
Footprints imprints
Just wanna make a mark
Follow my heart
Turn on the light
Show a spark
Taking watch of eternal waves
Soft tunes in my heart
It's like I'm looking at priceless art
I just wish we did'nt part
Fragrance of heaven
The sun is setting
The cosmos warmed
Warmed up and sending love
The flutter of a dove
The softness of a rug
I made a glance,there was
A pure and peaceful light
Coming from the sky
Everyday I will be there
Everyday every prayer
An open ear
I wanna find my place
Live life with grace
Your face
Sweet to taste
When I hear your voice
When I feel your soul
Your heart
Where magic lies
I have found my allies
With me through the lows and highs
Lighting up like fireflies
My love arise
I clap my hands
Seeing the little lambs
Does my love make you tall?
Does my love make your whole?
The best
Every truth expressed
I watch you dress
I watch you rest
Its greatness!
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