Saturday 1 June 2024

A sacred Fountain

A sacred fountain

A tall tall Mountain

Out in the pouting rain

I hear your name

'A soulful muse like fresh dewdrops'-Darren C Swartland

'An explosion of fireworks is spread across the night

covering sky like a blanket

Bursting as words take shape seemingly as if it were magic'-Darren C Swartland

Rooted in understanding

And I'm always planning a surprise

The best auntie,always nice!!

Tasted true love

Made it out of the fog and the sticky mud

Totally in bud

That smell of wood

The light that is a smile

The light that is the sun in the sky

The light of the Milkyway

The light of kindness in the words you say

Dreaming of an Tibetan suntan!!

He makes me fly

He makes me cry

But I always,always try

As long as I'm alive

The Way?

Do not blame the damming rain

The sun will soon be shining

The flowers will come out,I have no doubt

And so will the stars,just count

The good that you are

You will go far

See that star?

Smiling and touching trees

Enjoying every breath you breathe

Every yarn you weave

Everything you achieve

I believe

In the moss

The impossible

Will it cost the world?

Is it washable?

Conversations by candlelight

The sight of you

The light in you

I wanna be your love

I wanna be your good

What I would have told you

I really wanted to love you,call you

Get over your wall

Make you fall

Fill your soul

'A  watercolour love'-Anon

I have waited for this

Invite me to dance

My hand in yours

The love just pours

It fills the holes

The devil  just walks away

Under the glow

And in the show

Sounds like a kiss

Musical bliss

The same wish

'Your words are like petals

Your actions like thorns

is it worth it to love a rose'-Lauren Monica

'When the night is starry 

I think of you'-Lauren Monica

'All I want to do is make poetry out of you because

at least then you're still with me-even if only through

the words of my pen'-Lauren Monica

A spirit brave and bold

A spirit brave and bold

I know you will get through this like gold

Guiding hand 

Travelling band

Blowing the dandelion

Finding Zion

They are out tonight

Starlights light

If I could pick one out

They would shout your name!

The biting storm

But your hands are warm

I don't mind if they roam!

The heart crushed

Thinking about his touch

He went away even though I blushed

I just want life to be just

When the skies darken threatening

When the alarms are sounding deafening

I will be your strengthening

Your mentoring

Your reveling

'The poems bloom like lilies on the plains-Anon

Echo of forever

In a wedding ring

The caring

The sharing

The sweet stall

At the cinema

A blissful kiss

Pick and mix!!

Poetry to be helpful

I still have love to give

Even when I'm big

I just don't wanna get bigger

I hate all the stigma

I think you are a monster for stealing

I'm left here kneeling

It's a big change

The sun then the rain

They attract you with their flame

Then cause you pain

Shards in your brain

I wanna see the Pyramids of Giza

Go back in time and meet Julius Caeser

Take pictures on  Santa Monica Pier

Come face to face with a wild deer!

Your human heart

The tears start

Let's make you happy with a star chart

A glow band in the dark

In the chambers of my lungs

There is a song

'Her smile opens up the cloudy skies

Her laughter delights butterflies'-Darren C Swartland

The sunset brings out romance

Like candlelight and a starry night

You kiss my hand

Show me secret lands

A little island

Pure white sand

In the moment

In the glowment

I have your picture 

I have your wings and love

You send me to heaven

You send me to heaven with just one look

I'm in estasy when we touch

It's like your healing all my cuts

Opening the doors I shut

It was a hand of God

When I met you

I didn't feel like a animal zoo

I loved you brightly 

Like a sunny day

A broken bird

I couldnt sing,I had no words

I held on to my teddybear

I won it at the funfair

Soothed myself on the rocking chair

Hoping someone would care

The beauty in loves soft gaze

I was in a dreamy daze

Those u v rays!!

'Let me count the ways'-Shakespeare

Into your arms I tumbled

Completely humbled

Life wasn't so troubled

In a bubble

Sexual delights

At Moor Heights

And now LA nights!

Miami in our sights!

Tealights on the river

Hoping to be in the company of dolphins

If your really suffering 

Let me be your loving

If something is troubling

I will stop it tumbling

Eyes full of love and heat

Pouring my love into you

Cant have you sad

Cant have you blue

Shedding my blood for you

And all your truth

I sing and clap my eyes

Everyone needs a little help

Good health

Take that first step

Don't be overwhelmed

You will be marvelled

'I am not perfect,nor you

but somehow we are perfect together'-Madam Haiku

'Asleep beside me

Your beautiful face peaceful

Breath-taking view'-Madam Haiku

The deepest kisses

Butterflies and blisses

Is he even doing the dishes?!!

Don't worry in your youth

You will find new orbits of truth

Your soul will be soothed

You wont get the blues!

'Images,metaphors and magic'-Anon

'Sing about your love

Shout your pain and fire

the cocktail of life'-Jeff Leisawitz

Amplified magic

Even if the weather is tragic

Even if your feeling manic

If you get an opportunity,grab it!!

Leaves whisper secrets

Poems on the breeze and melodies



All I do is dream!

Imagine the sun cream

Sitting by a babbling stream

Dreaming of Mountains reaching

Valleys running free

Will you come away with me?

Let's drink on a rooftop bar

Watch the stars

Keep going

'Keep going,

Keep fighting,

Keep writing,

Keep rhyming'-Hussain Marawer

'The touch of your hands 

the warmth of your embrace

Its like coming home after a long days race'-Rolando Benitez

'I am in love with reaching out to God and

finding the God in me'-Matt Buonocore

'My friend,my light,my future'-C Russell

'True love from the clouds'-C Russell

Family blues

Flashbacks in my head

Crying in my pillow

Would I be better off in the shed?

Or would they seen me through the window?

I used to dream of being Superman

I used to stand at the top of the stairs

Holding my teddy bear

My Back

Feels like someone is sticking a knife in my side

I cant even sit up,believe me,I've tried

I need these painkillers to work,to survive

It's like I've walked into a beehive

This has happened before and I have cried

i wish this pain could be taken away by the tide

That I was sat with a cocktail at the poolside

I just wanna be on holiday

God please give me bravery

What I would give for my memory

Maybe then it would help me choose my right destiny

It feels like life is testing me

I love you like pastels in the sky

I love you lovers that cant say goodbye

I love you like evenings spent drinking wine

I love you like the exciting AND exciting guy!!

Feeling split into pieces

Somethings really arnt easy

Why do you make me teary?

It's because I love you fiercely

And I just want you near me

Karma slipped into the room

My prayers were answered,over the moon!!

Our hearts floating like a couple of balloons

I could eat you up with a spoon!

Follow my intuition?

My intuition is screaming

And my heart is dreaming

Is there anyone hearing?

I'm just here cleaning

I have since the beginning

Afraid to take up space

They didn't like my face

'Sweet dreams and stardust

Imagination and love'-Alexandra Vasarin

'My fears,my weaknesses,my softness'-Alexandra Vasarin

'We are music and sunsets

Rain and moonlight'-Alexandra Vasarin

Listenning magic 

Medicine for the heart

Tell me your problems

I'll buy you some bons bons!

Let's sit down and watch a rom com!

Bad emotions from the past

When I think of you my heart beats fast

You always know,you dont need to ask

When I'm feeling sad or downright mad!

Keeping 'A dream book'

Closing my eyes

It feels safe

You are sunrise

And a quiet Lake

Music in your heart

Films in your heart

A galaxy to walk

A galaxy to walk

We have all night to talk

I don't wanna ever let go of your hand

Lets watch the horizon

Sunsets and trees

They stay in my dreams

But not everyone sees

'You are my flower

You are my sweet soft petal' -Allen Steble

The flare in the sky

The sun in my eye

A watering can

A wonderful man

Making our little dam at church camp

I love being in a relationship

And scoring in the morning!

Joining hands

Have a good day my love

Blow the dandelions!

The midnight mile

I really cannot sleep

I send you a message

I wish you would answer me

I miss you,heaps

One loving feeling 

When I am with you

The Angels are cheering

In a sky of blue

Cherish her heart

Cherish her truth

Cherish her juice!


You didnt win a medal?

Your smile is your medal!!

The wave is coming

Get ready to jump!

The wave is coming

The surf is up!

The wave is coming 

Laughing and running!!

'Your oceanic eyes'-Pablo Neruda



We have to be loyal,kind and true

'Too keep ourselves in this dance'-Anon

Sometimes I feel so lost

Mindlessly out the TV on and watch

I never had any guidence

An old summer cassette

Makes me think of how we met

Working in a nursery

Play-mates star-daze

Start a song

Pick me and I'll belong

And I wont have to be alone


Someone will know where I'm coming from

Feeling empty and numb

Even though I was young

And the worlds still spinning

Even though I'm not kissing

I'm just missing my love

Start a dream

Collect some water from the stream

And let it heal

Like flying over a airfield

Start a friendship

Someone to keep your secrets

Dries our tears and hears your story,supportly

Out of the shadows 

I'll reclaim my powers

Shoot up like a flower

Get back to the piano

Grow some tomatoes

I look at the world

I see design

Seashells on the beach

Flowers at my feet

Circles on a tree stump

I'd like to jump

There's pictures in the clouds

Birds are making sounds

Design in every leaf

A rock underneath

Our delicate hearts

Pulled apart

When the raindrops start

Is it better than the desert?

I wish I had your support

That you read my poems and notes

Your blessings to fly

Your blessings to try

I'm not ready to say goodbye to my dreams

A galaxy to walk

We have all night to talk

Write a dream

Write a dream

A little self-esteem

You have magic beans

The stars are on my ceiling


The battle and the breeze

Lot's of revision and coffees

Till 4am I can hear the birds in the trees

I say a prayer,walking uneasy

'Snow is a strange whiteword'-Isaac Rosenberg

'Perfect quiet the eternal stars'-Walt Whitman

With fullness of heart

I sit at the piano like a little Mozart

I just don't want us to part

I wanna sing like a Lark

Entry of a demon

He took away my freedom

I don't know the reason

Its been happening for years,man

Works 'Books baby'

Into a stunner

Turned into a stunner

You don't know it when you are younger

Trying to beat the hunger

You dream and you wonder

'Write a song and breathe it from your lungs'Anon

'The Simpsons'

Animating energy

Give me your hand

I will take you to a fantasy land

I will put you in a faraway trance

If only there wasn't this distance

I hope

The darkest night has ended

He will say he just pretended

But I can always sense it,when he's not telling the truth

Do I give him the benefit of the doubt because he is cute?

'I want to be adorned with flowers and be kissed by the sun'-Noor Sckfani

Eyes hold the future

Working on the computer

A basketball shooter

A football commuter

'Too see I'm amethyst beneath'-Elliot Rami rez-Rodgers

The fire of the sky

Colours of the Northern lights

They make you cry

Dancing like sheets

Dancing like rhyme

Qualities of kindness,creativity,loyalty

Exercise,walking miles

Makes smiles

Beauty and appreciation

A memory

Black and white TV

In the kitchen,cooking tea

What do I want?

An endless waterfall

A picture of you on the wall

I cant wait 

I cant wait for our trip

Satin on my lips

My heart skips

You are my sunshine

You are my sunshine

My paradise

The stars in the skies

I hate goodbyes

I have butterflies

Love in my eyes

'I found rhythm and joined the dance'-Anon

Going into the studios 

It feels like I want it the most

And now I have to be original

I haven't forgotten about you at all

'Waiting for salvation to shimmer over my horizon'-Anon

A magical evening

The sun is setting,Im dreaming

The waves are lapping on the shore

I want to explore

I wish I could draw

Comforting curves

Comforting words

Under pastel sheets

Under a sunset

Its like we are under pastel sheets

Kissing and lying down,feet to feet

'In the delight of new romance'-Anon

I took a chance

Planted the flowers with my own hands

Dreaming of seaside life

Cycling on my own bike

Flying my own kite

Staying up late at night

The talking stage

Wild imaginings

I wanna fill you up

'To laugh and cry with

To fight and die with'-Emily A Myers

'Its choosing to stay loyal

Its praying for their soul'-Emily A Myers

'I welcome your touch

Get lost in the rush'-Emily A Myers


'Writing a poem is discovering'-Robert Frost

A natural high

The high of you

Lastnight was real and true

The sky was glitter,the sea was too

Braving rejection

Craving connection

I need your protection

I need your affection

Your intervention

Our conversations are my favourite

A chart hit

A piece of chocolate

An ice cream

Every flavour of it!!


I guess we are not friends anymore

But I just wanna know,why did you close the door?

Wasnt I your sister,before?

I have got the 'Ick'

I feel unattractive

I stand in the mirror,I try to be a giver

But I'm hoping for some magic

Can I say anything?

Can I be your dream?

Can we hide under the bridge of the stream?

Can I keep you believing?


The Studio

The Studio

I need to grow

I remember singing 'Over the rainbow'

Do I have the writing?

I pray for the dieting

It feels quite frightening

'The acorn has grown into a tall oak tree'-Anon

My Acorn,popcorn

I loved being with you at your Uni dorm

When I see your messages

It thrills my heart

I want to tell everyone but I cant

Do I have to choose between you and my family?

Because it feels like he's the only one believing in me

He revels my work,my poetry

A fountain and a cave'-Anon

Follow my bliss

Be an optimist

Sweetly ,sweetly blew the breeze

When you came into my life,relief

I wanna see your face everyday

I wanna sing and create

Hold your hand tightly along the way

You are made of wild flowers

Just like tall towers

So I can do acts of kindness

'Music strong and saintly song'-Coleridge 

I stand in line

'By the tree of knowledge'-Anon

Beauty-making powers

Hair dressers

Fashion designers

Make up ,Jewellery

A bunch of flowers

A special flower

Enchantress power

Under your spell

The spark between our souls

I smile,waiting for your call

You are there,when I fall

You make me feel like solid gold

I give you the space to express

I believe in openness

I want you to feel comfortable

Tell me if your in trouble

We are in a bubble

A completed puzzle

Thank God

I found a shimmering star

The tallest flower

'All hearts are travellers looking for a fire'-Matt Buonocore

My loving hand to touch

My loving hand to touch 

I love you so much

You are my hero,you are my book

Let's find a little beach hut and f....

Looking at a picture of you

Fills me up full

It makes me emotional

I just hate us being apart

I wanna listen to your heart

A beautiful airfield

I watch from the window

I wanna see the tulips of Amsterdam

I wanna see the Mountains in Switzerland

I wanna visit vineyards in the South of France

The seas minerals 

Good for your skin?


A dream of glitterbay

Driving down to the sea

Dreaming of ice cream

Putting on your sunshades

Packing your buckets and spades

Passing the murray mints

Watching the water glint

The dream of the choir

This room is on fire

There to Inspire

A crowd riser

Dreamer of holidays!

Dreamer of sundaes!

Dreamer of dessert trolleys!

Dreamer of the hotel pool

Sticking in your spoon!

'The caves,the glitter'-Anon

Buried to my neck

But the sky is perfect 

The beach I love it

I wanna feed the birds at the echoing church

'Build a new fire.And thank God'-Anon

A magic flock of birds

Flying over seasides and gardens

When your unhappy

A magic word

I wanna show you I really care

A magic caress

Lie with me and take rest

'Mastery of song

Weeps to belong'-D H Lawrence

'The lovely erotic flame of the candle light'-Douglas Dunn

Sweet silent thought

I remember the days of sweet silent thought

The days I walked through New York

Looked up at the buildings,watched Broadway shows

Dreaming of being on a billboard

Queing at the hot dog stand

Smelling the flowers all around

A walk on central park

The lights when it gets dark

'Star and flower'-Anon

Quiet by the ocean

I give you my devotion

I hope that you are open

'A scallop-shell quiet'-Anon




They wanna be in love

They wanna be enough



Delivered with a smile

I wish I was still a child

Running in the wild

Why do I write?

Words have magic

Words have sight

The brightest light


A wave of grief comes over me when I think about my past

Why did I listen to their chants?

That holiday in France

'Some people feel the rain others just get wet'-Bob Marley

Diamonte poems

Lantern poems

Like little gems shining

A light that is blinding

To music

Am I stupid for believing in love?

Am I weak?Am I not tough enough?

I look at the cherubs

I wait for a message

The ultimate low in hospital

Voices in my head,so alone

Too many biscuits and a vending machine

Looking for lifes meaning

Wishing just for once,for once you would win

Going to the funfair and cuddling

Kissing in the corridor

Feeling loved and adored



God,do you have mercy?

There's voices in my head but there's

no-one to nurse me

I'm in the woods but on-one will search for me

I feel like a dying flower,they just want to unearth me

Burn me at the skate for all my mistakes

Just plainly desert me

I pray for Angels to unburden me 

I pray for their wings

I pray someone will care for me

I didn't lie for a second

The pain was real,but did I deserve to be sectioned?

Trapped and unable to heal

Tears rolling as I kneel

I'll be honest

I will confess

I ate all that chocolate

I'm crying,I need to fit in my dress

Be the prettiest

The one that turns heads

Making everyone smile that listens

Why did they leave me?

Why didn't they heal me?

Why did nobody shield me?

So many years,no saturday night

No discolight

No friends and drinks,no romance

I wanna see a shooting star

So then I could wish you werent so far

It is so hard,you are so precious

I wanna get on that plane for all your messages

Answer all your wishes

I wanna walk with you on the bay

Watch every wave

A sunset,like pastels and soft shades

Cold sand under our feet

I know you understand

It feels like a dream

It feels like peace

Some people are 'innately bitchy'

Pushing past you in a cold city

Scratching you like a wild kitty

I wanna give you a unique offering

I wanna make you dance and sing

Build a fire,build our everything


How you look,how you work

It always seems to hurt

You feel injured

The beauty of Angels and doves

The beauty of us

It feels so lush

I feels so just

After lovemaking 

I just wanna lie with you


I go to a music concert

A prayer is in the room

We are all singing the same tune

Magical,in unison

Like medicine

The soft amber glows of the day

Happy to be on our holiday

In search of a summer bay

A seafood buffet!!

'Take me to your orange smoke and purple caves'-Louise Gooodfield