A slice of eternity
That cake is looking at me!
Standing in the bakery
Meat and potato pie and peas!
I believe in ‘Justice and Equality
Peace and harmony’
English class
Romantic chats
When ever you smile
It goes straight to my heart
I dont want us to part
To be a rainbow
Lighting up the world
To be an Angel prayed to
By every boy and girl
To be a songbird
Mother of pearl
Jerks of the job
When you hate your boss
And your at a loss
Praying to the Gods
I hate bullies
I love good deeds
Nana Nostalgia
Turning into Nans street
Thinking about that tin of sweets!
Cooking spagetti,perfectly
Opening the biscuit box
Bella going crazy everytime
Someone knocked!
Dessert was a choc ice
Playing a boardgame
Throwing the dice!
Turning up the hifi
Tinsel in our eyes
Playing football outside
Going on a bike ride
Walking to the local park
Creating a piece of art
Going to the video shop
Chosing a film
Chosing chocolate!
Looking in Nans chester drawers
Sat at her dressing table
Putting powder on our nose
Waiting for the nail polish to settle
My favourite memory of Nan
The way she stroked my head with her hand
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