Tuesday 6 August 2024

Your rainbow beaming

'Your rainbow beaming'-Alexandra Popa

'Love making Godly'-Alexandra Popa

Delicious dream ice cream

'You and I are chemistry'-Alexandra Popa

'Writing on th grass dew'-Alexandra Popa

A touch of eternity

I love it when you listen to me

Just lying together perfectly

Like hues of harmony

Walking into a  purple orchard

I feel nourished,watered

Floride beach

Lapping clearwater

I wanna be an auther

Sparking a fire in my gut

When all the doors are shut

Praying for luck

We all need 

Sunlight and oxygen

That is love

Children laughing running in circles

Walking by the colour purple

Watching a little sea turtle

'The blue lagoon within your eyes

Splashing over me like the tides'-Victoria Rose

Dancing waves

Inviting caves

Its you I crave

I feel made up with you

Dont break me in two

The sun a mandarin

Doing pearwork

I had the will

I had the will

I had the drive

Time was on my side

To watch the tide

I just pray I will come alive

'Tomorrow euphoria'-Anon

A peaceful message

I love being festive

I just wish you were here

Your hands around me

I breathe in your light

Guiding flame of light

Guiding stars at night

In my world of Chinese 

Sweet and sour chicken

Spring rolls and seaweed!

I look at your face

Storing it in my mind like a shrine

Theres a rainbow and there is a the sun

There are stars in the billions

Theres a field of flowers

I will pick you one

The Life

The Smile

On the rise

Thats the surprise



Give it a try

Even if the walls are high

You will survive

All the colours

Countless summers

The finishing touches

Explosion of emotion

The rough ocean

Dripping lotion

A pretty tree

A juicy berry

Someone will see and know

Notice when your feeling low

Intercept,without trying to control

Sky Diving

The ultimate memory

Titanic 'I can fly Jack!!

Cup of poetry

You are filling me

A cup of you

Poetical reverie

When your touching me

When your sending me into the heights of heaven

Depths of my imagination 

I wanna write for children

Give them some magic

'Pouring purple petunis petals'-Alexandra Popa

'Tulips singing to my heart'-Alexandra Popa

'Just cradle my daisy heart'-Alexandra Popa

Chase away the monster

Help your children conquer

Make the fun last longer

'Sweet pea memories'-Anon

Do you treasure me?

A hand

A hand

I fell in the water

You gave me a hand

The stars shined

My love

I light a candle to light you to bed

Softer home

Protected from the storm

Nice and warm

'I reach out my dreams to you'-Anon

Smiles of you fair

Theres no compare

I just want you close

Without you I am a ghost

'Blossoms in the blue air'-Amy Lowell

Singing in paradise

Watching the sunrise

Peace under the night

Staring at the twilight

Never felt more delight

Looking forward to Grandmas

The purple curtains thrilled me

As did the grass betwen my toes

Playing with our yoyos

'While the stars that over sprinkle 

All the heavens seem to twinkle'-Edgar Allan Poe

The lonely street

None to meet

How will my heart beat?

I can only weep

When I was working the night shift 

Living in the shadows 

Dreaming of pianos


I call it 'Out to sea'

'The radiating sun the moon the stars'-Anon

Salty tears

Noone hears

The words of William Shakespeares

Play with my hair

Play with my hair

Kiss my hands and fingers

Magical palm trees

Doing what you please

Watching the seas

The fantasies

A musical bliss

I close my eyes like when we kiss

My Birthday

My Christmas wish

'Healing all the soft hearts'-Anon

A dance of joy

A girl, a boy

A child opening a toy

Bon voy (Have a good trip in French)

Within the small

A birdcall

Brave soul

One day I will be tall

It will take time

Vibrant climb

The flowers sway 


I wanna see the tulips of Amsterdam

Instead of this traffic jam!

Starlit trance

Is there a chance?

Of a slow dance?

Understand my acts of love and gentle hand

I draw your heart in the sand

A truth to share

Our bodies,the air

Every layer

You put my hair behind my ear

Brush away my tears

Alone for so many years

Romantic rain

I smile

A beautiful breeze on the beach

I close my eyes,not quite asleep

A simontry

Theres heros everywhere

Looking out for ya

Frost twinkles 

Bells jingle at Christmas time

To see Santa Claus

The children wait in line

Wonderful star

Misty light

Is Santa Claus coming tonight?

Presents under the tree?

I believe

'Love performing night-Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet 

Humming under a tree

A bright stars is cast

Christmas future

Christmas present

Christmas past

Orange in the air

A Christingle

'God in his big gold heaven'-Charles Causley

Perfect match

Perfect match

Real and true

A vibrant dream

A love so great

Your loving wing

But I am on a solitary path

'Winds that howl and song'-Jeremy Coulton

A love so brave

My heart is made

Beneath the moon

'Dream,dream moon silver,a ballad anew-'Jeremy Coulton

To find my vitality 

My personality


Friends and family

Raw honesty and a little Astromony 

I love it when he watches me

A satin fantasy

'In poetrys embrace our spirits rise'-Jeremy Coulton

A lonely night

Peace or unease?

Is this my will or a puppet show?

Do you just want control?

I need to climb over this wall

The crying one or the flying one?

Cover me in stardust

I hope for magic

A soul tortured by demons

Lullaby of a dreamer

Mist of waterfall

Trip of the divine

'Captivated appreciation'-Anon

My salvation

My destination


A dream of mine

A holiday of all time

Sky Dive,thumbs up

A big smile

I love you

My heart,my soul

Just letting go

Your earth Angel

Can you not tell the truth?

Hurt my heart,we will part

A love that heals all

A love that is equal

A heart like mine

Ill give you my time

Ill give you my hand to help you climb

With a genuine smile

Riding  a unicorn

I crave true intimacy 

Sat in a cinema screen

Or when you sing to me

To explore you

Write you a piece of music 

Hold your hand through it

Listenning to 

Every single word

Grandads stories

My heart could burst

Now I write verse

Delicately in place

The flowers and your face

'Bubbling clouds'-Anon

Magical infinity

I look up at the stars

The red planet Mars

Forget about the wars

Part of the ocean?

I wonder if Ill get a promotion

Still doing the locomotion

Lots of things to joke on

A womans voice

A womans choice

Her name is Joyce (Nan)

The sun hits my bare skin

It feels like Im winning

Across my skin like electricity 

He touches me

And I feel free

The whole sky glittered

My heart quickened 

The purple of waking hills

The turning Windmills

The first sight of the sea

The first mouth of ice cream

Following a beach ball down the beach

Just for two weeks

The day is purple

I smile

The lilacs with this gorgeous one

Running round the room laughing

Looking like an Angel napping

Watching the TV clapping

Appreciation and validation


I am so grateful

It was fateful

'Touch warm alive'-Anon

Fresh air and friends

You were born for amazing things

Dont stop dreaming

In the future there will be healing


There will be more kissing

More wishing,less fearing

Little mini tower

Precious flower

Singing a solo infront of a choir

'Hugging daisies' -Anon

I think about the days

We made high waves

Beach paradise

Beach paradise 

Silky blue

Climbing up the sand dunes

Discovering rock pools

Sitting in my car

Supernovas and bright stars

Praying for no more disasters

I make a wish and send a kiss

To the one I love

Like burning wood

'I have more galaxies inside me than tragedies'-Nikita Gill

Kissed by you

Missed by you

The great heart

Soaring song

Makes me feel strong

To you I belong

You are there if anything goes wrong

I pray the silent beach

Soft sand under my feet

Words so sweet


Position and rhythm!!

'Constellation book'-Anon

Lemon yellow 

Walking in the garden

A piece of paper and pencils to sharpen

Could I do another Monet?

The sun warm like honey

Nothing sweeter than caramel

Ice cream extra special

The summer time

Outside we dine

Keep pouring the wine

I feel alone

A solitary swan on a river

The cold makes me shiver

Like daffodils aiming at the sky

I will always,aways try

Do my best not to lie

Do my best not to cry

Promising stars

Touching our hearts

Stickers on a reward chart

'Dreams are luminous'-Anon

By dinnertime

My work will be done

I can put down my pen and have some fun

'Island lighthouse flower'-Christine Evans

The shape of the galaxies

The beauty of passion scenes

The love of your family

The calling stars 

Staring eyes 

Lip service

Butterflies make me nervous

Somehow I am wordless

Beautiful they turn us

Human emotion 

Finding a quote on

Love,laughter,pitta patta

Mad as a hatter

Language of my heart

Music and the arts

Eyes that softly gleam

That tender look is my dream

Under the masks

Under the masks


They might be smiling

They might be sad

Hoping someone will find the answers

in a lab

Let's find a talent we didnt know we had

Plenty of photos on our holidays

Angelic days

Photos on the beach

Photos of giant ice creams

Walking into a gallery and a dream

It can feel healing

Visiting Michelangelos Sistine Chapel ceiling

Eyes tearing

Summer is for

Light mornings and light evenings

The birds are out,Im listenning

Sat in the garden

The lamps come on when it darkens

'A longer sunset'-Anon

'Crystals setting in her eyes'-Christine Evans

Not just a story,

A legend

Is love coming?

I wish i was good at running

Peonies and roses

You are a piece of sweet fruit picked from a tree

One by one

Having fun

Purple people just holding hands

'A beacon of loss in winter

and lush hope in the summer'-Nikita Gill

Precious stone

Precious stone

To remind me I'm not alone

Holding it up in the sun

I want to tell everyone

I have my own Orion

A heavenly glow


The olympics are on

Healing and light


I dont know where Im going

I dont know how to live

Im going to University but I do not have the gift

I still feel like a kid

A hidden treat

Something sweet

A loving space

A smile on my face

Now,I have grace

I put down my case

The cocktail menu awaits

'A force of creation'-Anon

Arts and crafts

A comedian making you laugh

Mozart sonatas

Baking in the kitchen making doughuts

Emptyness of the night

I looked for you

I was in the dark and you were the light

I lit the flare but you wasnt in sight

The endless blue

Taking off my shoes

Walking on sand with your soft hand

Kissing on the beach

Hearts at peace

Sparkle dress sexiness

'A subtle fire streams beneath my skin'-Sappho

'The naked room'-Langston Hughes

A voice being set free

'Songs juicy as peaches'- Tom Paulin

The smell of warm fudge

We touch

A dream of grace

Your beautiful face

I wish I had my own place

By the fire,taking rest

Crystals in the cabinet

Carpets,curtains,plush and perfect

Holding hands,electric

Rivers of wine

The stars all align

The greatest time

Pouring wine

The look in your eyes

'With magic in my eyes'-Thomas Hardy

'The rhythmic beach'-John Greenleaf Whiter

An up hill climb

Full and inviting

The lemon tree


The sun is shinning 

Warming me

Your skin is like silk

Your skin is like silk

You quench my thirst like coconut milk

You are my drink

Notes and porridge oats

I say a prayer

To taste every layer

For us to be capella

Scared and rejected

Wondering who he slept with

Or even just who he texted

I thought we were perfect

Pretty cottage with purple flowers

Playing in the garden for hours

Looking for fairies with magical powers

and a fairy door sweetly painted

Childrens paradise

A play centre

A sandy beach

A swimming pool that doesnt go too deep

'Around your heart forever'-Bronte

'Your picture meets my gaze'-Bronte

My heart is raised

Smiling English scene

A pretty green garden

Looks like a dream

Enjoying ice cream

Butterflies flying over a cup of tea

'Were thou prince and I a slave'-Anon

I wish I was brave

Hoping to be saved

To be amazed

Lifes divinest glow?

The picture of a rainbow

A band playing sensational

A singer doing a solo

A star you can follow

Angel fair

I declare 'I love you'

Eveyday is sky blue

He returns my love

Like Angels above

'Love in its purest form,

Is an act of giving'-Hephzi Tagore

'In your love,I find my rhyme'-Hephzi Tagore

'Loves beacon brightly shines'-Hephzi Tagore

'Time can mend what is torn apart'-Hephzi Tagore

'Your my sweet and sour melody'-Hephzi Tagore

'I choose to see the dawn of a new day with you,

my love,by my side-Hephzi Tagore

'Magnetism of a gaze'-Hephzi Tagore

'The grief will fade,and hope will come'-Dr Michael Mosesain

'The road is long and fraught with pain but in the end

we will regain'-Dr Michael Mosesian

'When life knocks you down

To stand in the face of pain

And refuse to drown'-Dr Michael Mosesian

Touch of devotion

Just one drop of the ocean

Like a secret potion

Overflowing emotion

Eyes like a Roman

'In a shell of loneliness'-Maya Angelou

'In the flush of love's light'-Maya Angelou

Eyes are getting wet

Eyes are getting wet

You are leaving

We only have seconds

I'm boarding a jet plane

Things will never be the same

Dreamy wings 

I am Tinkerbell

There are many stars behind the clouds

Opening like a flower

You make me proud

Keep twirling around!


Sweet as honey

'Thanks to the fields and flowers for there energy'-Any Pascual

'God is love,the devil is fear

And Christ is light'-Any Pascual

Fairies and flowers

'Be my lifesaver of verses and rhymes'-Amy Pascual

Breathe in calmly

Would life have been better in the army?

Would these voices alarm me?

Reading psalms

Listenning to Brahms

Bonded by songs,letters and books

Lasting longer than your looks

Talking about what your gonna cook

We are eternal

I write it in my journal

Like Owls we are nocturnal


When he kisses me

I wanna feel his hands on my body

By a roaring fire,please please

'You are a leaf

I am the wind

What can you do but be blown away'-Rumi

The secret of love

You hold my face like a cup

Your love is eveything

Mr Singh

I gonna treat you like a king

Touch you skin

Deep burning love

We have fire

Like two birds singing on a wire

Alone with you

In the blue

I wanna skinny dip

Be glued to your lips!

Go to the club

Be your chick!

My heart is filled with your name

Your magic name


You are my genre

Grandad said

Once your heart is open

You will swim the whole ocean

Looking for a boatman

Make your heart your primary guide

When you need to decide

'Sweetness in everyone'-Anon

A little girl picking a flower

A little boy petting a chihuahua

A little girl singing a song

A little boy with a watergun!

A lovers kiss on the cheek

A pounding heart when we meet

I just wanna be alive

Like a ribbon of moonlight

Missing home

Missing home

Suns of home

Perfect picnic

Candle stick


I wanna be a musician

Use my intuition

Talk to an Egyptian

Find someone to listen

Attention from the start

He caught my eye

Opened my heart

A fine amethyst quartz

Romantic walks

English lessons 

Language is key


Inspired by poetry

Romeo and Juliet

They died,I cried,I wept

A love they couldnt accept

Play me a soft song

Give me your soft tongue

Impossible or impossible?

Is this road crossable?

I wanna be unstoppable


Part of a ensemble

Embedded narratives

A romantic story

The drinks you pour me

The affection you show me

It will be 

Keywords and singing birds

Flying in pairs!!

On the road of love?

On the flight path of a dove?

Im looking up

When everything is new

With sparkles and magic

Into the lavender fields

Running and dancing

He told me how he feels

Love really does heal

A gift beside the ocean

The sun and the sea

The smell of sun lotion

The taste of ice cream,a dream

Made my brain spark

When I was walking in the dark

We just knew how to talk

I want to take him to New York

A picnic on central park

The bus is moving away

My heart is moving too

Im really gonna miss you

Like the sky bliss blue

I thought of you everyday

Thought life would be easy

I just dont want to stay away

I have fallen completely



In the past they have been cold hearted

Left me alone and darted

Behind it all

It was just a role

My heart he stole

Needs to open like a parachute

Needs to open in a flowerbed mute

Look at yourself with kindness

You are a lioness

Dont let them divide us

Whether or not


Youll have my heart

Lets keep going

There is a spark

I like the swings at the park

Diamonds shining in the dark

Putting down a blanket

Talking like two lovers in a film script


'We are infinite'-Megan Benjamin

'Since Ive been inspired

Since Ive been alive'-Megan Benjamin

The sun shines between us 

You really make me smile

The stars shine upon us

Are you really mine?


The buttercups

Kisses and hugs

Trying not to stand on a lady bug

Writing your name on a tree stump

Living next door to a real hunk!

'Our hands fit together

The moon and sea forever'-Anon

I want to be Cinderella!!

Harmonious madness

A house full of kids

In the garden picking up flowers and sticks

Looking for blue tits!

'The river,like a crystal mirror'-Anon

The interview?

The sky is blue

A porcelain collarbone

Kiss me there

Take me home

Or a weekend in Rome

I dont wanna be alone

Kissing under the parachute silk

Tectonic plates

LA earthquakes

Beach runs and health shakes

Lifting up weights

The effects of war

The innocent soul

To the ground,they fall

Sometimes they crawl for cover

Thinking of their lovers

On this page

I will declare my love

On this page

Ill gather the stars above

On this page

I give you my blood


Pyramid of books

Bathtime ducks

Lots of new stationery

Waiting for artistry

Intimate days

I remember the intimate days

I remember your gaze

The rays on my face

Make me glow

Make me glow

Let me know I am loved

Come top of your list

The only girl you want to kiss

'Collection for peace'-Anon

Alone mourning dove

The message is delivered

'The same thread of connection of love and belonging'-Shreya Goswarmy

Perfection laying beside you

The sun is rising,the sky is blue

And your holding my hand too

Smiling away

Water running down my collarbones

The beauty of waterfalls

I wanna feel his kisses all day long

My curious heart

Reaching for a flower

How did they build that tall tower?

Please God 

I have a river to cross

Be my love

Music for the moon

I wanna dive into the pool

'Poetry is the words nobody claimed'-Molly Scalt

'Your past self is not who you will always be'-Molly Scalt

'I miss you times a million'-Molly Scalt

That kind of day

When the train came late

When the coffee was bitter

And they made you wait

'The safety of being held'-Anon

'It takes grace,on bothsides for a relationship to flourish'-Alexa Holben

Light and imagination

What a gift

Giggling with a glass of wine

Giggling with a glass of wine

The sunshine

I will love you

A sister to go to

I will know you

Through and through

I dream you

Your fingers running down my back

Fond of fancies

Fond of fudge

Fond of flakes

'You are my Angel and dream'-Angie Watson

'Free true and forever'-Linda Pullman

An aroma of my childhood

The smell of modelling clay

The smell of flowers when I went out to play

The smell of the sea and ice cream at the cafe

Light and bright

The morning song

A little frog hopping along

Everyone meeting at the pond

What kind of people are they?

Why do they betray?

Why do they stand by and watch?

When my days are deathly?

I feel so lost and empty 

It feels like a century

Story and strength

You are what my heart sought

In darkness I sought light

I celebrate and dance

Drinks in my hands

Looking for the ying to my yang

I need attention and hugs

I brew in my mug

Someone to treat me good

Open doors

Fight my wars

I am a dreamer

Destiny will guide me to my soulmate

'I am crazily into you'-Josy Anne

Like a summer sky

Like a summer sky

I don't like to say goodbye

The cocktails and the seashells

You are so precious

'Flowers of a brilliant red

Illuminate the flowerbed'-V M Sang

Sharing secrets and fun

A friendship for good

Sharing the warmth of fire wood

Settled down with a good book

Makes you feel unstuck

Someone else has the same story

And they are not sat on a jury

Inside of us 

There is this lust

But there is a hush

No-one knows that we touch

I just wish they would bless our love

Contented and accepted

There's a twinkle 

When he crashes his cymbol

My dad is the best drummer ever

A treasure

Loves meetings

On the swings at the park

Hearts are beating

Kissing as we walk

'He brings me warmth

He brings me light'-V M Sang

Healing and happiness

No more exam stress

I know you did your best

'The sky is telling tales'-V M Sang

Everything described

The look in your eyes

Messages from doves

Messages from past loves

A garden full of rosebuds

A bath full of bubbles

The colors that adorned your soul

Looking at the rainbow

I promise to be faithful

The key to be free?

Climb that tree

Open the windows to see clearly

The quiet magic in the everyday

Hearing the birds,stirring coffee

Smelling summer

Feeling lucky

Catching the bus

Thinking of us

I dont want distrust

Reaching the earths crust

You are in my core

My love for you is Mountain high

My love for you is a starry sky

My love for you is a happy sigh

My love for you is the truth,

It wont die

The ocean 

My eyes are open

The roses

 I try to grow them

When the birds sing

I want to follow them

I miss you

I wanna bewitch you

I cant quit you

Someone to call

One friend,one soul

Till we are grey and old

Secret parts of us

Secret parts of us

My stretchmarks

Your battle scars

Our whole hearts

'The pearl and hazel stream'-Anne Ridler

The public heartbeat

The audience sat in their seats

Clapping their hands

Banging their feet

A small heaven

My own little house

Painted purple with a purple couch

A meadow mouse

A home for the owls

Will I ever hear that wedding Bell?

Sit at the front table?

In a perfect dress

A perfect Angel

Visible brokenness

At my grave stone

Death and lilacs

I want purple flowers

And nice green grass

The Northern cold

The hot mug I hold

Whether it has rained or whether it has snowed

You have to be bold

A sun of gold

'The sun,the moon and the truth'-Budda

'I have looked at it so long I think it is a part of my heart'-Sylvia Plath

'The sunned and risen faces'-Geoffrey Hill

To see you

To kiss you

To love you


To get a reward?

To be adored?

I just want you at my door

Cause everyday I feel more

My heart just pours

Completely yours

Across every ocean

You strike the chords

You heal my sores

Warm up my toes

I just want to keep you close

Listen to your woes

Give thanks to cupids arrows

Lead me to the dancefloor

Play me like a grand piano

Underneath a discoball

Kiss me with your heart and soul

Please dont put up a wall

Leave me for the north pole

And act ice cold


You are my reward

You are my gold

I just wish you were down the road

Instead of the other side of the world

I would come round to yours,everyday

The sky grey or sunny

I would bring the food and drinks

Wearing nothing but a soft mink

Would you defend me with a sword?

Stand infront of me if a lion roared?

Perfection in my mind

I simply smile

A beautiful child

I bee line

Your heart thrills me 

Your smile heals me

Captivating dream

The glorious morn

Bright with a song

'Old couple hold hands walking along

througth the park

Their love is alive'V M Sang

'Peach season'-V M Sang

'The waves are lapping gently caressing the shore'- V M Sang

Watering eyes

Watering eyes

Beacon of light

Do you wanna spend the night?

I think we are alike

The Angels are our guide


Beating the darkness

The people that spark us

The people that mark us

200 yards from the beach

A wonderful meet

I pray to God

I have no anxiety 

That I dont have people firing at me

'Let the lamp affix its beam' -Wallace Stevens

'The kind old sun'-Wilfred Owen

'The wild wound of light'-Herbert Read

'Headstrong and heroic way'-Robert Graves

The visiting Angel

Candles on the table

The food and wine flavoured

Your smile was playful


Glorious rock

The Twelve Apostles

Be it a rose or lily

The path was hilly

Emerged 'the white bloom'

Dreaming of the stars and the moon

My moonflower


Wellington Mountain

Wonder at the fountain

The stars I keep on counting

Looking for bright coral

'A springful of larks'-Dylan Thomas

Like stars 

Like sweet jars

You make me smile