Tuesday 6 August 2024

Make me glow

Make me glow

Let me know I am loved

Come top of your list

The only girl you want to kiss

'Collection for peace'-Anon

Alone mourning dove

The message is delivered

'The same thread of connection of love and belonging'-Shreya Goswarmy

Perfection laying beside you

The sun is rising,the sky is blue

And your holding my hand too

Smiling away

Water running down my collarbones

The beauty of waterfalls

I wanna feel his kisses all day long

My curious heart

Reaching for a flower

How did they build that tall tower?

Please God 

I have a river to cross

Be my love

Music for the moon

I wanna dive into the pool

'Poetry is the words nobody claimed'-Molly Scalt

'Your past self is not who you will always be'-Molly Scalt

'I miss you times a million'-Molly Scalt

That kind of day

When the train came late

When the coffee was bitter

And they made you wait

'The safety of being held'-Anon

'It takes grace,on bothsides for a relationship to flourish'-Alexa Holben

Light and imagination

What a gift

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